In math lab students get to understand the various concepts through the feel of real objects. Maths, measurement and relationships between various principles are not left to some strange imagination, they are clarified by actual demonstration. This makes maths more real and hence better understood.
The chemistry provides a productive learning atmosphere for the students. The lab is well equipped for the young learners to go beyond the prescribed text and gain clarity for various theories and concepts. Students are taught the concept through demonstrations as well as by doing experiments.
The biology lab is an interesting place for all the students to visit because it takes them a step nearer to their own lives. Keeping the latest syllabus in mind the models, specimens, charts, chemicals etc. have been well planned.
The school has a well equipped Physics lab with the latest equipments for the students to perform the experiments and acquire hands on experience.
Our classrooms are brightened by adequate natural and ambient light inside. Learning takes place within them as teachers and pupils interact both formally and informally. In order to facilitate learning, the classes environment is kept colourful, friendly and peaceful.
Computer lab is fitted with latest computers and internet and Wi-Fi access. The school houses a fully equipped, Computer lab where the complete strength of the classes can be catered at one go. The students have free access to the systems and are encouraged to use the system resourses.
The school has a separate art and craft room to impart aesthetic sense and creativity in the young minds. This room is a place where they are taught to give reign to their imagination and to create their own masterpieces using colours and waste materials.
The school has a well- equipped conference hall room with a seating capacity of 40 persons. It is equipped with a projector, screen, controllable lighting, Wi-Fi access and Laptop projection.