To provide leadership and inspiration for learning and human development in urban communities.
To become a premier urban school of education recognized for its diversity, and known for excellence in teaching, learning and research. We value and are committed to exercising leadership characterized by innovation and vision. We value excellence in teaching, service and research. We are committed to promote creative and critical thinking among faculty, students and staff within a culture of inspiration
To groom individuals to be physically well developed and energetic, morally upright, intellectually well informed socially concerned, emotionally balanced and culturally conscious.
To instil in young minds a sense of National Pride and Patriotism.
To encourage them develop rational and clear vision, positive mind set and self-esteem.
Goals :
Recruit and retain a diverse faculty, academic and classified staff and student populations.
Increase scholarship and research productivity and their impact.
Develop infrastructure and support, including innovative technology, for research, teaching, service and partnerships.
Develop and maintain model collaborative ventures and partnerships.
Maintain and continue to improve a climate of respect and human dignity.
Model quality instruction and mentoring for undergraduate and graduate students. Students to turn into confident learners and well renowned personalities.