D.A.V. Police Public School

New Police Lines, Delhi Road, Rewari, Haryana - 123401


Dear Parents,
We cordially invite you to attend our Parent-Teacher Meeting on Saturday 16th October 2021, from 9:00 am  to 12:30 pm at the school.
This meeting will offer you the opportunity to ask questions, get more information about our PTA and different ways that you could contribute positively to our school. We look forward to your valuable suggestions so that all of us together bring out effective and productive overall changes to scale new heights.

We hope you will reserve your precious time to attend the meeting.
Thank you!

Contact Us ↓

D.A.V. Police Public School,

New Police Lines, Delhi Road,
Rewari, Haryana - 123401
PHONE : 01274 - 297059
Mobile : 9466655597, 9416409028                                       9050980958, 8571062842
E-mail Id : davppsrewari@gmail.com 

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